T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
TRABZON / ORTAHİSAR - Tevfik Serdar Anadolu Lisesi

Shoot and Load

Projeyi Yürüten Öğretmenler:Öznur  Duman Baydaş- Fatma Şimşek Konak


About the project

This project which is also an Erasmus KA2 partnership deals with digital education since the use of internet and social media via digital devices is getting more and massive in our everyday life and in our students' life as well. This means that we have access to all sorts of information, we can communicate with all kinds of people, but we can also become a target for cyber crime, bullying or other kinds of threats. We have to be aware of and careful about the negative aspects and influences that can be the effect of this 24/7 accessibility. Since some of our private information is accessible to the world we are responsible for its security. Social media is full of fake and valueless information. By sensitising all target groups (students and teachers) , the necessary attention paid to cybersecurity will be increased. In addition to this, the knowledge about security conscious behaviour and a responsible approach to using information and ICT as a whole will be imparted and promoted.,


• Improving students and teachers 'English skills.
• Raise students and teachers' digital awareness
• Support the use of digital technologies and innovative approaches
• Teach how to recognize the dangers and threats of internet
• Teach how to use the social media with responsibility and in the right way
• Teach how to select the right information in order to prepare valuable materials (mostly videos)
• Teach thow to recognize and judge fake news.
• Teach how to evaluate all kinds of information occuring in their daily lives effectively.
• Gain technical knowledge and competence to keep up with technological development that changes every day.
• Teach how to use secure internet and keep social media contents and accounts safe.
• Analyse the potential of new technology and open educational resources (OER) and experiment new teaching and learning techniques to enhance the professional development of educators by innovating and increasing the quality of their training.


Students will be divided in teams of mixed nationalities groups according to the topic.
The collaboration with the project partners will be done by email, through online meetings on the etwininng space. Each school will upload materials about the school, their region, their country, about the activities carried out in the school.
Movies, drawings, pictures, statistics, graphics and survey will be uploaded into our common space.
eE-twinning will be used by teachers and students alike to present and share results, request and give advice, as well as a plaform for first contacts before students actually meet.
Alogo competition will be organized by Portugal and will be held in January.
Large, project long tasks are divided between the partners. Italy and Romania will be in charge of E-twinning. Turkey will be in charge of the project-webpage Greece will be in charge of the creation of a whitebook, containing useful information gathered during the project about the various topics


Yes, the project will have public Twinspace The participants will employ numerous means for these results to come about. With collaborative research, common suggestions and broad dissemination being at the heart of this project, students and educators will employ their research skills, select resources, and produce questionnaires and surveys. Multimedia presentations, photo exhibitions, press releases, articles, booklets, videos will help them publicise their findings to neighboring schools and the local communities.
Most of the final products will be short films to present social media literacy, addiction, fake news and internet security. They will be uploaded on our public Twinspace as well as other platforms such as the project website,the Facebook page ,each school website and so on to be disseminated hugely.


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Yayın: 22.12.2020 - Güncelleme: 12.02.2025 10:02 - Görüntülenme: 508
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